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8:50pm 02-08-2015
I clicked once and here I am.
I've tried for a long time to buy more of your songs, LPs & 45s, so I thought I'd try some CDs.
Thanks for all your great stories, wonderful songs, sharing Misty and the late night laughs.
David in Wyoming or as I sometimes sign off "David in WYO, WYO, did I ever leave Ohio ?"
6:20am 12-28-2014
Listened to the CT 40 Special Year End Countdown for 2014 with Bob Kingsley yesterday.
Before playing Thompson Square's year-end-hit Bob played a short excerpt from "Tennessee Bird Walk".
I never heard it before, I'm more used to the stuff from the late 80s and later.
Wow - what a fantastic song ! Your song is so timeless - even 45 years later. The great synthesizer effects give the song a special and fantastic groove.
7:24pm 12-13-2014
Well hello to all Jack and Misty fans! I caused a lot of problems to you and to all the fans when I was a mess, I am now a lot stable and am doing very well! I created a brand new facebook group dedicated to Bill Anderson!Maheen's Bill Anderson fan club. It's on facebook so will look forward to seeing you! Will start on on Jack and Misty also sometime!
12:01am 10-18-2014
Edd bayes
Hey guys. Won't thru many 45s the other day and found one that I had forgotten about owning. It's a Christmas
Greeting from Jack with Misty signing off at the end of each recording. I didn't see that one on your discography bd feel it should be included for all the collectors to know. Thanks for all the great music. I've been collecting since first hearing Tenneessee Birdwalk. Somewhere In Virginia is my all time favorite.

10:51pm 07-18-2014
alan kash
A big hello to WHPR staff and all your great listeners from Alan Kash, downunder in Sydney Australia. Gday mates and gals....Alan Kash
7:55pm 04-23-2014
Julie Smrt
What a fun song. I listened to it for the first time tonight. My husband Chuck Smrt is Richie's (Little Richie Johnson's ) son. We were talking about LRJ and he mentioned the two of you. I you tubed you and what a treasure I found.
12:39pm 04-21-2014
Kay and Joyce Barnes
Well "hello" you two---It's Kay and Joyce from the "Everglades" in Orlando and way back from the Curtis Stuart era. Way back in the year one--maybe the boar war. Ha Anyway, we think of you often and have talked to Joyce"s cousin Joanne in Centre Alabama--( she was the bartender at the Everglades & Round table in W/Park) Anyway, again, she gave us your email etc and we just wanted to say "hello"--Even tho it's been many years, we still play your songs which bring us many memories--the recording sessions in Nashville--the road trips out west to Belen N. Mexico--on to Hollywood--the "good stuff". Joyce always remembered going with Mary Ann shopping in Nashville. The old opry house performance with "Tennessee Birdwalk" the ovation--Jack, you and Misty were very nice to us. We will always have fond memories. We now live in St Petersburg near Madeira Beach and Treasure Island where we hang out. I sing "karaoke" at the American Legion in Madeira Beach and treasure Island.. (also at VFW)---Just wondered about this tune. Our grandkids used to get a big kickl out of me trying to singHalloween song--Skelikins, Skelikins, hiding in the chimmely, nobody here but me.) (was a funny tune for kids--did you ever record it??? Ha Our oldest son (age 56) lives in Orlando general contractor. We go there and over to Cocoa Beach to Jill's (Age 54) and our other 2 boys live there too. Once in awhile we go to Sanford to eat etc--Anyway, would love to see you sometime//hope you are feeling ok//we are fine I'll be 80 and Joyce 79 but stay active. Been singing some "polka tunes" Ha Ha Stay well./ Love Kay & Joyce at [email protected]
8:37pm 03-01-2014
Craig Backstrom
I've been a fan for years and so glad to have the chance to "get to know you a bit" on facebook.....Thank you.....
8:23am 02-27-2014
DJ Dave Donahue
Jack and Misty,

"Wow!" Your latest release, "Try" is one of the most original, catchy, make-your-heart-thumpty-thump, eyes water, and foot tapping arrangements I have heard since I retired in 2006 down in the Keys. Makes me wish I had a radio station to play it on. This deserves lots of exposure. (No, no, Jack! The song, THE SONG!) grin.

Read your articles every week in Doug's column. I've said to you more than once, "Jack, you are ready to write a book! Dude, do it!" Title? Maybe..."Behind The Camels Hump" "Make Way, Bird Walking Here"

Give Misty a big hug for me!

Dave Donahue
Country Radio and DJ Hall of Fame
2:17am 11-15-2013
Frank Cresswell
The two of you are just totally AWESOME!
7:03pm 10-21-2013
James Stewart
Again !! You guys are awesome --If you are ever in Vero Beach ,Florida--CONTACT ME!!!
11:51am 10-17-2013
James Stewart
Don't really know why but I was surfing the web and caught a thread about you all there on "The Steel Guitar Forum".
It was then that I realized all the great songs you both did in the 70's thru today. But actually I had kinda of forgotton about you both through time.
Well I've been on u tube and on your site reliving all your great music.
You both have voices that just blend and a great musical back up.--and I love your music.
Regards--James Stewart, Vero Beach Florida
12:40pm 08-17-2013
midgie macon
love you and misty and your music
12:37pm 08-17-2013
Midgie Macon
keep up the good work and stay well,love ya both.
12:33pm 08-17-2013
midgie macon
keep up the great music and stay well,love ya.
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